hilton meyer

Self Sufficiency

[ ] Plant your own vegetable garden.
[ ] Build wind turnbine
[ ] Cut your own firewood.
[ ] Collect and use rain water instead of municiple or well water.
[ ] Supplement your house’s heating system with solar heating panels.
[ ] Supplement your hot water needs with a solar water heater.
[ ] Mulch your garden with local organic mulch instead of store bought products.
[ ] Raise your own rabbits with worm beds underneath.
[ ] Use home-made compost and free manure to enrich your garden’s soil.
[ ] Grow non-hybrid vegetables and save the seeds for next year’s planting.
[ ] Grow potatoes and save the fingerlings for next years planting.
[ ] Use biointensive gardening techniques to grow lots of vegetables in small places.
[ ] Build a greenhouse to extend your growing season.
[ ] Build a root cellar (above or below ground) to store your harvest.
[ ] Start a small orchard for a variety of fruits.
[ ] Learn how to preserve food by canning.
[ ] Raise bees to help pollination and for honey.
[ ] Raise chickens for meat and eggs.
[ ] Preserve vegetables by sun drying them.
[ ] Spin wool into yarn for making clothes.
[ ] Make your own furniture out of tree branches.
[ ] Preserve vegetables by freezing them.
[ ] Grow herbs for cooking and medicinal purposes.
[ ] Use edible wild plants to supplement one’s diet (Find a guide for your area first!).
[ ] Use containers to grow vegetables in small places.
[ ] Use chicken manure (composted) to help fertilize your garden.
[ ] Use, use and reuse as much as possible before throwing away.
[ ] Conserve electricity whenever possible.
[ ] Sharpen your own tools.
[ ] Build your own home or shed.
[ ] Grow grapes for preserves or raisins or make your own wine.
[ ] Build a pond and raise fish for food.
[ ] Use solar and wind power to supplement your energy needs.
[ ] Learn how to use a welder.
[ ] Grow grains to feed your own livestock.
[ ] Grow alfalfa to return nitrogen to the soil.
[ ] Use a generator for emergency and supplemental power.
[ ] Bake your own bread.
[ ] Do your own plumbing.
[ ] Do your own electrical work.
[ ] Barter goods and services with your neighbors.
[ ] Make vegetables a large part of your diet.
[ ] Supplement your diet by hunting game.