hilton meyer

Pantry Application

Application for keeping track of food in the pantry and also being able to create recipes and then to use on-hand pantry ingredients to find recipes to prepare.


design | web development


sketch, wordpress, mobilize api

Project Setup

The idea behind the kitchen manager project

Routing using Vue Router

Setup routing and some views for adding ingredients to the database

Setup ingredients

Setup routing and some views for adding ingredients to the database

Creating components

Creating a components directory for breaking up code into manageable chunks

Setup Firebase

Setting up Firebase project to use for auth and database

Add Vuex

Save our state in a Vuex store

Register user to firebase

Save our state in a Vuex store

Register form

Save our state in a Vuex store

Login user using firebase

Create login functionality for a user

Login form

Create login form for the user auth

Logout User

Create logout functionality for a user